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You are now able to purchase a portion of The Wolf of Wall Street - Refresh Miami, courtesy of LALA

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    As we rapidly approach the 10th anniversary of The Wolf of Wall Street, Miami web3 startup LALA today will release a series of digital collectables based on the Martin Scorsese blockbuster hit. This collection, LALA’s first after having launched its platform in May, comprises 2,225 collectables divided into three pricing tiers: $99, $199, and $499. 

    Owners of these NFTs will receive a printed version of the artwork, discounts on branded merchandise, and more. They will also get a small percentage of revenue from The Wolf of Wall Street each year. Founder and CEO Hiram Vazquez told Refresh Miami that owners can expect something between a couple cups of coffee to a couple of movie tickets per year, depending on the tier. “This is really about creating a deeper connection with the movie.”

    Vazquez believes that the web3 space needs to prioritize UX. “It should be less so about ‘this is built on NFT technology or the Ethereum blockchain,’ and more about abstracting it away from the technology and creating a solid fan experience.”

    Founded in 2022, LALA is building the world’s first digital collectible marketplace where fans can own royalties from movies and TV shows. This spring, the startup raised a $3 million seed round from Alexis Ohanian’s venture capital firm, Seven Seven Six.

    For now, the four-person team is excited to keep innovating. “This is a very important industry that tells so many amazing stories,” said Vazquez. “So being able to make a positive difference and help it operate more efficiently is a challenge that I’m excited about working on.”


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    Riley Kaminer

    I am a Miami-based technology researcher and writer with a passion for sharing stories about the South Florida tech ecosystem. I particularly enjoy learning about GovTech startups, cutting-edge applications of artificial intelligence, and innovators that leverage technology to transform society for the better. Always open for pitches via Twitter @rileywk or www.RileyKaminer.com.

    Riley Kaminer


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    Author: Victoria Johnson

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    Name: Victoria Johnson

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    Introduction: My name is Victoria Johnson, I am a unyielding, valuable, resolute, treasured, courageous, esteemed, capable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.